I call the spark plug small but mighty because of it's importance. Do you know that without the spark plug, your car won't start, yea it's that important.

The good thing about spark plugs is that they don't wear out easily. Some cars require to change the plug every 48,000km and that is to tell you how strong they are. When your spark plug gets bad, your car begins to malfunction. You get to see a significant drop in fuel, your car begins to misfire and sometimes the drive becomes sluggish.

Like I always advice people; before you allow a mechanic to touch your car, make sure you scan it to know the exact issue, so many mechanics are used to trial and error.

Eg : Owner takes a car to the mechanic, mechanic looks at the engine oil level, gear oil level, removes the lever and smells the oil. Open radiator, checks water level closes it back and tells owner “Oga start the car, raise am, raise am small, raise am again, raise am well, Oga off am... Oga na your ball joint be the issue”.
I get amazed how they come to conclusion without doing something as simple and efficient as Scanning. I shall speak more on this later.

In a nutshell, Ensure you change your spark plug as at when due for optimal engine performance. Follow us on IG @



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